

Anonymity is a big issue when dealing with sensitive data. A few manipulations were made to the data to ensure anonymity.

  • The data does not contain any names or free text fields that could mention other sensitive data.
  • The birthdates are changed to the first day of the month. These will only be given if the research really requires it. Otherwise the age or a categorical age will be given.

Both the project and the database were registered with the privacy committee and approved by the ethics committee. The project will be screened for GPDR compliance in the near future.

Patients, hospital and ICU-admissions

A patient is uniquely defined (within a center) and is assigned a GUID.

One patient can have multiple hospital admissions. This is defined as a period where the patient at some point in time entered the hospital. A patient might go to different departments and might be (re) admitted to different ICU’s within one hospital admission. Each hospital admission is assigned a sequence number within the patient.

An ICU admission is one uninterrupted stay at the ICU and is assigned a sequence number within the hospital admission.

The different patient information tables

Figure: The different patient information tables

Next to the identifiers, each level has several attributes like mortality, admission/dischargetime, admission/discharge wards, etc.

You can download the full database schema here

Data tables

Table Description Nr of values
ComorbidityLists comorbidities applicable to the admission71174
AllLabDataLaboratory values24370021
AllMonDataHigh frequency values that are comming from monitoring devices.1568288656
DiagnosisProceduresDiagnoses and procedures with a start- and endtime indication (if applicable)187989
MedTreatmentAll doses of medication that were given during a specific time period and at the same rate.6314630
ScoresCalculated scores like SOFA and TISS28.4464703

(last updated January 2019)

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